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What is Email Marketing and How it Works in 2023 with Example?

by | Mar 13, 2023 | Email Marketing | 3 comments

Do you want to know about email marketing to grow your business?

Email marketing is a direct and effective way to connect with your prospects. You can nurture your leads with a series of emails and convert them into loyal customers. 

According to the CAN-SPAM act, Marketing Email is broadly defined as promotional emails. Marketing email helps to build an authentic relationship with the customers and subscribers. Email marketing is the act of sending messages for any commercial product or service in the form of email promotions, newsletters, special offers, and coupons. 

During COVID-19, more than 55% of marketers have received a high return on investment from email campaigns for their brands.  

Marketers are willing to communicate more with their prospects and customers through emails due to this pandemic. 

Email Newsletter

Well, email marketing motivates its subscribers to take action after reading the email newsletters. These actions can be in the form of downloading the content, making a purchase, attending an event, and registering for a service.  

Are you eager to know the importance of marketing email?

You can promote your brands and increase sales revenue with the help of email marketing. According to Content Marketing Institute, over 31% of B2B marketers believe that email marketing is the best way to nurture their leads. 

Let’s get started to understand the reasons for sending email marketing:

  • Connect through personalized messages: You can craft relevant and personalized content for the subscribers to make them feel special. Your customers should feel unique after reading your email copy. 
  • Enhance brand awareness: In this tech world, it isn’t easy to build brand awareness of B2B brands, and they face a double-edged challenge. But, effective email marketing helps to improve the reputation of brands. Infact, you can build email lists to strengthen the position of your brand.
  • Increase the number of leads: You can increase the number of qualified leads through multiple downloadable contents. Once the qualified leads click on the call-to-action button, then you can nurture them to make your loyal customers.
  • Meet your desired goals: You have to set goals for accomplishing marketing strategies. Analyze the old marketing metrics to understand the loopholes and prepare the aims accordingly. Generally, there are some goals like adding new subscribers, increasing engagement, nurturing the existing recipients, which marketers need to meet.         

Email marketing is the best way to connect with your prospects and customers. Over 38 billion people open email every day. It is the perfect way to nurture your prospects and grow your business. 

Marketing Campaign

Here are some benefits of email marketing:

a) Cost-effective marketing channel

b) Connect to large audiences

c) Send personalized and relevant messages

d) Easily measurable

e) High return on investment 

f) Increase brand awareness

Are you curious to know about the working process of email marketing?

Email marketing is one of the most popular and influential digital channels for marketers. So, you need to understand the working process to leverage successful marketing campaigns. 

However, marketers need email service providers to deliver and manage different marketing campaigns. 

What is an Email Service Provider? 

Email service providers are specially designed to send email marketing campaigns and build a list of subscribers.

Email Provider

When subscribers sign up for any website and give permission to receive emails from your end, you can send them email newsletters. However, It requires many A/B testing to understand the best way of communicating with your subscribers. 

Generally, recipients can sign up for different email marketing tools. So, marketers need to select an email marketing platform for creating an email list to add new visitors. You can track the open and click-through rate with the help of these tools.  

Before running any email campaigns, you need to plan out the email marketing strategy to measure the effectiveness.  

Simultaneously, you can fully automate the processes to enjoy the benefits of these marketing services. You can deliver targeted emails to your subscribers with the help of email automation. 

It is challenging to grow your email list, so marketers need to take the right approach to increase subscribers’ number. Email lists can be treated as a valuable asset for your organization.  

For growing the email list, marketers should focus on creating great content for their website. Excellent and relevant content provides value to your recipients. 
Are you aware of running a successful email campaign? 

Marketers need to know how to run an email campaign in the right way to get high conversion rates, generate more leads and boost engagement levels. 

Although, you have to prepare yourself before launching an email mail marketing campaign to keep it simple.  

Email Personalization

Let’s get started with the methodologies of launching an email marketing campaign:

Select an email service provider:

Marketers need to find the right email marketing software to deliver email campaigns and increase subscribers. You will find multiple email service providers in the market but select the right one for your business. Example: You can choose popular email software like EasySendy, HubSpot, Mailchimp, Mailjet, etc. 

Grow your list of subscribers:

Kick-start to build an email list of opt-in and engaged recipients. With the help of the right email service provider, you can create subscription forms for your website. You need to create exclusive downloadable content like reports, exclusive ebooks, and infographics for grabbing the attention of new visitors.

Even you can provide offers, special discounts to get new people for the email list. Example: You can use EasySendy for creating signup forms and collecting new subscribers. Later you can manage and segment this list of recipients based on their behavioral pattern. 

Set up automated email marketing:

You can engage your new subscribers with a series of emails. In the beginning, you can send a welcome email to introduce your brand to the subscribers. After that, you can send promotional, abandoned shopping carts, cross-selling emails to nurture your existing and new subscribers and customers. Example: With the help of EasySendy, you can deliver a series of emails every week to your email list. 

Understand your marketing goal:

As a marketer, you need to understand your email marketing campaign to build your email list. First, acknowledge what your brand wants to achieve from this campaign. Henceforth, you can set a goal for every marketing campaign like launching a new product, offering discounts, bringing more downloadable content, and updating the latest brand news. 

Design attractive email templates:

You don’t need to hire a designer to create a compelling email template. If you purchase an email marketing service, you will get a drag and drop email editor for producing simple, clean, and hassle-free email designs. You don’t need to know the HTML codes for designing email templates. Example: You can try out the free version of EasySendy for designing attractive email templates with the help of a drag and drop editor. 

Create personalized messages:

You need to write engaging and persuasive email copy to catch the audience’s eyeball and have to offer relevant messages to meet up their interests. You can practice and improve the quality of the content over a period. Even you can add a conversational tone to make the email copy personalized and meaningful for the audiences. 

Optimize open, click-through rates:

As a marketer, you must be aware of the number of ways for boosting email open and conversion rates. Well, you can use the subscribers’ names and addresses. Simultaneously, you can incorporate a brand name with the sender’s name to build trust and brand recognition. The most important part of an email marketing campaign is the subject line, so you have to write intriguing subject lines to maximize the open and click-through rates. 

Choose the right time:

Create a proper strategy for selecting the suitable timing to send the emails. Right time helps to increase the open and click-through rates. You have to analyze the perfect timing for sending the email marketing campaign as each brand has a different set of target audiences. Well, Tuesday and Thursday mornings and afternoons have high open and click-through rates. So, you should send emails on those days. 

Meanwhile, email marketing is the most comfortable mode of communication with large audiences and meeting business goals. 

Email Design Template

In this article, we can share some of the strategies to achieve good results for your email marketing campaigns: 

  • Create personalized messages: According to the latest data, 90% of consumers find personalized emails more engaging. So, personalized messages can generate more return on investment than regular email content. 
  • Check out the Preheader: You have to optimize the email preheader and preview text as it appears after the email subject line. It adds valuable context to your subject line and maximizes the open rates. Interesting Preheader adds curiosity among the readers to open the emails.  
  • Secure your emails from falling into spam: You have to be careful in selecting the email campaigns from the right IP address to avoid spam filters. Ensure that your subscribers use opt-ins to receive the emails as spam folders are significant problems for email marketing campaigns.  
  • Add double opt-ins: Subscribers need to click on the subscription links to enable the double-opts and reduce hard bounces. Double opt-in includes an extra step between potential subscribers and their email lists. It is the best way to make a campaign successful.  


In a dynamic digital space, email marketing has shown incredible resilience to meet consumers’ ever-changing requirements. We hope that you can optimize email marketing in numerous ways to grow your business.


  1. Lucy

    Every time, companies ask about email marketing and its advantages as compared to other marketing platforms. I would recommend this blog to those beginner marketers who want to increase their sales revenue through email marketing campaigns. I’m sure this blog would help them to achieve their desired goals.

  2. Sean Ann

    Hey Ria, you have written a splendid article and showed us the methodologies to launch the email marketing campaign.

  3. Roger Andrea

    Many marketers want to learn about email marketing for increasing conversion rates and drive higher return on investment. This article is suitable for them to grow their business and achieve the desired goals.


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