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Hybrid Email Marketing For School

You have to make email marketing campaigns lucid and cost-effective so that philanthropists, donators like to put their money and time to important works.


Why is email marketing important for schools?

Email marketing helps broaden your reach to prospective students, parents, alumni, mentors, and faculty. You can check email marketing like social media accounts as it belongs to the classical school of thought.

Design Your Emails that Readers Love

Deliver the messages at the right time

Make proper segmentation of your contact list based on audience preferences and tailor your email campaigns for better results.

easysendy Grow Subscribers with Web Popup Forms2
create email list1

Add new subscribers with welcoming emails

You can send your subscribers a series of automated email sequences and engage them for better engagement.

Connect to other platforms

Make use of EasySendy’s WordPress plugin, or you can plug it into your favorite email automation tool through our integrations.

Create customized email newsletter templates

Kickstart your email marketing campaigns, and you can use drag and drop editors to generate compelling email templates.

Challenges and Solutions

Bloggers’ problems and how to solve them with EasySendy


Blogging is an absolute waste of time if you are simply doing it for a few friends and family members. A small audience can be disheartening, and bloggers fail to build their contact list through email marketing. If they don’t get enough profit, it would be difficult for them to monetize their blogs. In the end, they lack in investing their money for email marketing campaigns. Even they neglect to curate quality email content for engaging their audiences.


Bloggers should use email marketing services like EasySendy for growing and maintaining their email lists. They can use EasySendy to capture new subscribers and nurture them through drip email campaigns to convert them into loyal readers. They can optimize the email campaigns with attractive email templates and improve the conversion rates.

Across the Globe 2000+ Customers Using EasySendy

Customers are scaling their businesses with EasySendy Hybrid Email Marketing to achieve 3x ROI




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Start creating email campaigns with EasySendy Pro​