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Customers view about EasySendy

You are at right direction and it needs for your business to make it high.

Harry W

I love that you can do almost anything you want with Easysendy Pro. You can combine as many lists as you want when you send emails, and many other advanced features that professional email marketers need.

Bee Hansford

I have used several 3rd party ESPs such as Mail Chimp, Constant Contact, iContact, Vertical Response, Get Response and run email marketing software on my own servers with a hefty tech staff and cost to go with it. This is by far the most cost-efficient way to do email marketing. Thank you so much EasySendy.

EasySendy users save over 50% on their email marketing costs

With EasySendy, 500+ companies can save 3X on expenses

Improve your email delivery with multiple SMTP and save time &money

Bee Hansford

I am finding EasySendy easy to use and so far getting good results with Amazon. I am especially pleased with the speed and quality of support you have and it’s certainly worth mentioning all the people I have dealt with there are fast, friendly and very helpful. The best support service I have dealt with in my 4 years online.

Lisa M

I like how easy it is to design marketing campaigns, in addition to having a very intuitive platform that has allowed me to understand each stage of the process and successfully complete the campaigns and projects, has been a great ally for us and it’s a very good tool for email marketing campaigns.

Muhammad T

I have used EasySendy for about a year, my most favourite features about the tool are easy creating campaign, personalization, bulk uploading of contacts and easy to schedule an email to non-opening contacts. But there are many features which I haven’t used yet but for sure I will use in future.

Customer Ratings for EasySendy

We respect each and every customer views on EasySendy and reviews shows how people are liking our products .

Across the Globe 2000+ Customers Using EasySendy

Customers are scaling their businesses with EasySendy Hybrid Email Marketing to achieve 3x ROI




Active Users

EasySendy – Hybrid Email Marketing Software

EasySendy is an email marketing platform for online gig creators like, bloggers, podcasters, vloggers, business coaches, YouTubers, writers, course creators, consultants, freelancers, authors, coaches, musicians, photographers, and startups.

With EasySendy email marketing software, you can launch various campaigns to engage your subscribers and customers with autoresponders and automated drip email campaigns. You can also manage and engage your Facebook Messenger subscribers.

You can add easy-to-embed Web Pop Forms to capture email subscribers from website, build custom subscriber pages, edit email templates with flexible drag and drop editor, do subscriber segmentation filtering, and more. Connect your app / website through API, Google Analytics, WordPress and Zapier.

Your First 2000 Subscribers are free!

Start creating email campaigns with EasySendy Pro​