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Scalable Email Marketing Strategies to Drive 3x ROI from 2023 to the Next 3 years

by | Mar 13, 2023 | Email Marketing RoI, Email Marketing Strategy | 2 comments

With the latest innovation and a limited number of resources, email marketing strategies are still crucial among other strategies and perform tremendously well year after year. 

In short, you need to create robust email marketing strategies to build long-lasting relationships with target audiences and cost-effectively increase sales revenue. In my opinion, email marketing allows attracting new customers and retaining the existing subscribers in a much easier way.

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1 . Tailored and Personalized Messages

2. Make Proper Segmentation

3. Make your Emails Mobile-Friendly

4. Test Email Templates

5. Use Email Automation Tools

6. Create Interactive and Engaging Content

Many marketers wonder whether email marketing can make any difference in a business’s growth. Under the premise of email marketing, businesses can build a list of prospects, customers, and subscribers. 

Are you thinking in this way?

Email marketing has hit its peak, and everyone is complaining about the failures of overcrowded inboxes. Then, get assured, email marketing strategies are the most powerful ones, which you shouldn’t ignore. 

Also Read : Hot Email Marketing Trends in 2023

It is the best way to stay in touch with customers, enhance brand awareness, continue to deliver value to your products and services.

Let’s have a look into the reasons why email marketing helps businesses to grow:

a) Broader Reach

Email marketing has a broader reach than other marketing channels and can keep the subscribers informed.    

According to the email statistics report, over 4.9 billion people have email accounts. 

If anyone signs up for a website, they have to mention their email addresses and even need to enter the addresses for creating Facebook and Twitter accounts.   

There is no other channel for marketers with a much broader reach than email regarding connecting with prospects and customers. 

Well, there are 3x more email accounts as compared to other digital channels. 

Subscribers can check their emails when it is convenient for them. You can reach customers in real-time, and most people open emails on mobile devices. A well-designed email produces higher conversion rates than other marketing strategies. 

b) Easily Measurable

Marketers can track email campaigns’ performances with email automation tools as they are an essential part of internet marketing. It is easy to measure the bounce, delivery rates, unsubscribe, click-through, and open rates.

They should not ignore these metrics as it is an essential part of internet marketing campaigns. Try to avoid sending too many emails as it may minimize the conversion rates. 

c) Enhance Brand Credibility

Email marketing gives you the availability to increase customers’ interest level and stay at the top of their minds. For that, you don’t need to send them regular emails.

Instead of that, you can try out some exciting email marketing strategies to increase brand awareness. Some companies try to sell their products, but it prohibits building trust among the customers. These activities ignore the brand awareness factor.  

Also Read : Email Marketing Growth prediction 2023 to 2027 

Email marketing drives the highest ROI for marketers and is 40 times more effective than other social platforms in acquiring new customers. 

In this article, you will get some email marketing strategies for better results:

Email Marketing Strategies to Drive 3x ROI

a) Tailored and Personalized Messages

Every subscriber wants to feel special, and they don’t like email messages that give them a feeling similar to another bunch of people. You can segment the customers into different contact lists to send them personalized and targeted messages. Ensure to craft subject lines that resonate with your customers and deliver them with personal feeling messages.

      According to the latest data, personalized messages bring six times more transaction rates. 

b) Make Proper Segmentation

When you segment your database, you have to create much more target email campaigns for the audiences. All email marketing campaigns perform better when you segment your contact list, so it is crucial to make your subscribers’ proper segmentation for offering them personalized messages.

If you have 20,000 subscribers, then they have different needs and interests. So, segmentation helps to satisfy their requirements with the piece of content, and it brings more open and click-through rates. 

Do you know segmentation works hand-in-hand with GDPR? Yes, you heard me right!  

Most marketers don’t segment their contact list. But don’t you think they should?  Let’s get started with some of the ways to segment the audiences:

i) Industry segmentation: You should know the industry of your subscribers for segmenting the email campaigns. For Example: if someone works in a B2B company and receives promotional offers related to the industry. Then it would engage at a much higher rate for fulfilling their needs. 

ii) Segmentation based on the company’s size: Try to segment email campaigns based on their size to increase engagement rates. For Example, employees working in small companies don’t want to participate in big industry conferences.  

c) Make your Emails Mobile-Friendly

As per the latest data, 41.9% of emails opened on mobile devices in 2019. 

Every time you send an email, you have to keep in mind a considerable portion of subscribers like to open messages on their mobile devices. So, it would help if you created mobile-friendly email messages. If your email messages are not mobile-friendly, your subscribers will delete them and reduce the chances of converting them into loyal customers.

Based on the latest research, over 20% of email campaigns are not optimized for mobile devices. 

Email service providers offer responsive email designs for optimizing email campaigns on mobile devices. Ensure to make the subject lines short and concise for a better view on smartphones. 

d)  Test Email Templates

Running an A/B testing lets you test out to make practical decisions and improve the marketing practices. It requires better email marketing strategies to leverage marketing campaigns. You can test the email addresses of the senders. 

Subscribers open emails when they see the sender’s name, and it is the main reason for opening the email copy. You can test out between plain text and HTML campaigns to understand the best-performing email copy. Even you can keep your email copy short and sweet. Simultaneously, you can create a long detailed email copy as many subscribers like to read long-form emails.      

e)  Use Email Automation Tools

Based on user behavior, you can send trigger-based emails. Although welcome, transactional, thank you emails are the most trigger-based emails. It performs much better than traditional forms of emails. The open rates of trigger-based emails are much higher than traditional email open rates.

Also Read : 25 Amazing Email List Building Tools To Grow Your Business

f) Create Interactive and Engaging Content

Create interactive and engaging content: Consumers are willing to read engaging and interactive content. Otherwise, it is more like useless stuff. If you add product videos, images, Gifs, it would engage the customers more and present its advantages so that they want to purchase the products or services.

In this current scenario, interactive content is the fuel for brands to achieve their goals.  

According to the latest data, 80% of customers like to watch videos, and 20% of online users read the content. 

Most marketers have agreed that engaging content is more effective than regular email messages in educating the subscribers about the products and services. 

It’s high time to update email marketing strategies as the digital landscape is evolving. It would help if you implemented the above tips into your email marketing strategies to drive more investment returns in the upcoming three years.


It’s high time to update email marketing strategies as the digital landscape is evolving. Now, you need to implement the above tips into your email marketing strategies for driving more return on investment in the upcoming three years.   


  1. Jesse Teresa

    In this article, you have elaborately explained many reasons why email marketing is essential for growing your business. I want to implement email marketing strategies to drive a 3x return on investment for my business.

  2. Arthur Gloria

    Content is fantastic, as you have shared some email marketing strategies that drive more return on investment than other social media platforms.


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