In today’s world, all professional email marketers insist on three elements: productive performance, constant engagement, and high ROIs and with just one email service provider, their achievements get restricted.
Therefore, by load balancing many service providers, all three components are perfectly optimized, mistakes reduce, and there are soaring revenues. In recent years, email marketing has advanced to become profitable.

However, it is also a composite channel since a large number of service providers are giving a tough fight for capturing one’s business.
Now, users have various options like a full-service ESP (Smartfocus or ExactTarget); cloud SMTP Relay service which can be Amazon SES, SendGrid or Dyn; on-premise SMTP solution, for example, Power MTA and others.This blog gives you a clarity on why you must use more than one SMTP Relay for Email Marketing.
SMTP or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol allows users to send email messages through their email account by using their current email service.
With the help of SMTP relay, users can have the advantage of evading ISP constraints. And use their professional looking email address from any desired service.
Besides this, it is a win-win situation for both email marketers and end-users. Having multiple SMTP Relay for Email Marketing offer the following benefits:
1. Boost return on investment
With more SMTP service providers, marketers can reach more targets. It means return on investment is sure to improve and optimize. You can read email marketing budget optimization with hybrid technology.
Strengthen Your Customer Targeting

With more email service providers, email marketing professionals can opt for niche targeting and get users from different sources. This technique will be more flexible and convenient and will deliver productive results.
Every email is a customer survey of your target market, by testing they vote on what resonates best with them – Kath Pay
Shape up your email marketing cost
Multiple email service providers will help professionals to divide costs efficiently and invest the right amount in the right service. Instead of spending a bulk amount only on one service provider. It is better to share and balance the expenditures by having access to multiple SMTP Relay for Email Marketing .
Better email delivery and performance
More SMTP Relay for Email Marketing means more access, which helps in optimizing delivery and performance of email marketing.
Email marketers also look for answers to important questions
- Is their email list well balanced for maintaining a good image and generate appropriate leads?
- Do they have complete client data so that the email marketing subject and content are at par with client information?
- Are the emails reaching the targets on the right day and at the right time?
- Are the subscribers engaging with the email?
- What is the overall ROI of email marketing activity?
The best solution for the above questions is to choose multiple service providers, simplify the process and get the best results from email marketing. The top three reasons for using various services are:
Improve Your Marketing ROI by Balancing Cost

The pricing chart of the email service providers might seem more cost-effective, with breaks for quantity; however, the real story is different. As professional email marketers are more involved in lowering costs, therefore accessing only one service provider is not a feasible option for reducing costs.Source: Adobe
The best example is that of an online gaming company which was steadily growing and so were their email marketing costs. While assessing their existing situation, analyzers found that they were using one of the best and most expensive SMTPs for emailing. Although they received good analytics and had high response rates, yet they were keen on lowering email costs.
Further analysis revealed that 41% of their send emails accounted for e-commerce like receipts for small purchases and such emails, using a powerful SMTP makes no sense. Also, the end-users who made purchases were already highly engaged and expected a receipt. Therefore, the best way out was to transfer these mailings to the cloud SMTP emails servers of the purchasers and save lump sum dollars.
The email list got categorized into highly engaged users and marketing leads. Emails to the former group were sent from a lower costing cloud SMTP relay and to the latter using higher cost relay.
As a result, email marketing spends were further lowered by 23%.
From this example, it clearly states that email marketing costs are not just quantities, but a strategic investment. By using multiple SMTP service providers, these costs are load balanced and email marketing expenditures are reduced. There are various types of recipients (leads, highly engaged users, customers, etc.) which have different costs. Ideally, it should be less expensive to reach interested users, as compared to new leads. Verified customers should also be less. Also, different kinds of emails (promotional campaigns, password recovery, upsells, transactional receipts, etc.) account for different costing. Thus, with multiple SMTP service providers, the entire email costs can be load balanced and reduced.
Refer: Optimize your email marketing budget with hybrid email marketing.
2. Enhance Marketing Performance

There are no accurate ways to analyze the number of emails which reach the inbox. However, email marketers can track specific elements like the expected outcome of the sent emails, leads generated, registered users and sales, by using more than one relays. Multiple SMTP Relay for Email Marketing will improve these statistics and deliver better end-result.
SMTPs provide different results, according to segments. There are SMTPs which are localized or country-specific and other SMTPs which go beyond country boundaries. For example, a local Russian SMTP can deliver high results to .ru domains.
Similarly, a Japanese service may have high deliverables within the country. As for international SMTPs, they consistently offer excellent deliverability to top-tier ISPs namely AOL, Gmail, Yahoo, as long as email marketing professionals incorporate the best email marketing practices. There are also SMTPs which are excellence for niche categories like online gambling, retail, etc.
Therefore, by matching the segments to the relevant SMTPs, marketers can witness high performance rate and have productive deliverables along with increasing revenues.
In the field of email marketing, micro-deliverability is a new concept. The idea of the concept focuses on getting into deliverability by ISP or domain by SMTP and then categorizing the email list to achieve the best targeting and performance.
100% deliverability is something which happens in theory, however, difficult to reach it, on a constant basis. Best SMTPs have more than 96% deliverability; however, the rates of deliverables vary according to ISPs. In real scenarios, there are fluctuations in SMTP’s deliverability to each ISP. Email marketers can improve net profitability by keeping a track on deliverability trends, accessing multiple service providers in the email delivery store and steering the segments through the SMTPs which deliver productive performance for particular categories. Gradually, with more than one email service provider, marketers can
Email marketing will experience the second coming of age in 2016, thanks to mobile strategies, more integrations and more insights from data. – Chad White of Litmus
3. Eliminate Mistakes and Redundant Features
Last, but not the least, redundancy helps in removing costly mistakes. In email marketing, errors cost huge to the professionals. With proper management of multiple SMTPs, errors minimize. Email professionals cannot ignore SMTP outages, although they are rare. When deliverables are at its peak, and there is an SMTP outage, marketers are at grave risk.
Therefore, with multiple SMTP Relay for Email Marketing, marketers are at peace with their email campaigns and can reach their prospects at the right hour.
Besides outage, individual segments can have a temporary drop, on delivery and performance.
If one SMTP provider faces problems while delivering to Gmail or Yahoo addresses, having another SMTP ready for performance is a tactful way to immediately fill the vacuum and make sure that all leads receive the correspondence. With this, redundancy allows email marketers to reduce mistakes and maximize revenue.
Conclusion For Using Multiple SMTP Relay for Email Marketing
Email marketing is a powerful channel which can deliver huge profits if done in the right way. By using multiple SMTP Relay for Email Marketing, professionals can improve returns from their email activities and campaigns, reach prospects and leads and engage customers. With many SMTP service providers; high ROIs, increasing performance, lowering cost and minimizing costly mistakes by redundancy can be ensured.
About EasySendy PRO
EasySendy Pro is an email marketing platform for the digital marketing team. It integrates with multiple SMTP relay service providers and enables delivery of email campaigns to a list of opt-in emails. You can split test email deliveries across the relay servers and check reports, track email clicks, opens of each email campaign. It also has smart autoresponder and email list segmentation.
To support Micro-Deliverability in Emails; currently, EasySendy Pro allows integration with SMTP relay gateways like Amazon SES, Mandrill, SendGrid, Sparkpost, Leadersend, Dyn, Elasticemail, MailGun, SendinBlue, MailJet, TipiMail, and MailerQ. If you are sending an email to a list of above 25,000 email subscribers, then, Micro-deliverability of the email through multiple SMTP gateways provide better email open rate.
Frequently Asked Questions
⭐ What is SMTP?
SMTP is the best application along with the communication portal for sending and receiving emails between email senders and receivers over the Internet.
⭐ Why email marketing needs SMTP?
With the help of SMTP, you can send personalised transactional emails from a simple protocol to professional servers. It supports to send high volume email marketing campaigns with high delivery rate.
⭐ What is Multiple SMPT server?
Multiple SMTP servers help to implementing different marketing campaigns through multiple servers for customising the delivery settings to improve the reliability.
Hey Ankit, I am quite new to email marketing. Therefore, I won’t be able to put down any comment as an experienced email marketer. However, your blog is a great piece of guide. Also, it seems hybrid email marketing would be perfect for my e-commerce startup. What are your suggestions on this?
This is a time where multiple tasks get highly appreciated at every workplace. The blog deals in an effective manner with the advantages of Multiple SMTP relay for e-mail marketing. The points are discussed broadly by stating facts which are essential in every technical blog. Every developer or a person involved in digital media can go through this to enhance their knowledge on these subjects.
Glad you liked it Elsa!
Such a great article, thank you! Working with multiple email service providers is the need of the hour for marketers. That’s how one can reach out to different audiences that we have sliced and diced with our market research and customer profiling. We have to reach out different customers in different voices. One argument in favor of using say three SMTP relays for email marketing, I really liked is that it balances the cost load and expenditure is reduced than using one server.
High ROI’s are the main thing people desire when they start the venture, online email marketing surely helps us in reaching out to the user but it also is creating a lot of competition. Amazon SES can be the prodigious way for your email marketing.
Email marketing has indeed advanced to give more turn over to the businesses, this article emphasis on why we must use more than one SMTP Relay for Email Marketing. Best SMTPs will have more deliverability.
Now it’s high time to enhance our knowledge of digital media so that these strategies can be easily implemented. Great Work! Cheers!
As a new marketer, I found it very interesting to get such a great piece of information about the benefits of multiple SMTP relays for relay marketing.
A definite article you have written here. Any marketer should follow these email marketing strategies. Thank you!
A definite article you have written here. Any marketer should follow these email marketing strategies. Thank you!
That’s a great article, Ankit! Hope to learn more from your future insightful articles!
I always used to think about whether we can use more than one SMTP relay for email marketing. But in this article, we have seen the reasons for using more relays.
Sounds interesting; I was not aware that multiple SMTP relay is beneficial for email marketing and boost return on investment.
Great article; your content is fantastic and gave valuable insight on SMTP relay for email marketing.
Great work; I got detailed insights about the benefits of SMTP relays for email marketing, and thanks for sharing with us.