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How to Create Personalized Follow-up Drip Campaigns

by | Mar 2, 2023 | Blog | 5 comments

Even though I used to receive an email from a reliable resource every day but I never used to open it, but one day I saw an email with a subject line “You are being removed!” which was also the part of its drip campaign.

When I opened the email finally , I found that it was just a hack of the captivating subject line which made me open the mail.
Then I thought of opening every mail sent by them. These emails were regarding their product, and it’s relevant features. When I read every mail, I understood a lot about the product.

What role does a Drip Campaign play?

Since there are very less chances of getting attention from the visitor as soon as he or she visit the website. Hence it is necessary to move every visitor from the sales funnel employing a drip campaign.

At the bottom line, we can conclude that a drip campaign is a series of emails which are sent to a prospect to move him into the sales funnel by nurturing them. The primary purpose behind sending these computerized emails is to build the trust so that to do business with you.

It was the part of their drip campaign and was quite successful enough in nurturing its customers. I don’t mind receiving the emails from a reliable source.

The best part of these drip campaigns is it that a drip campaign can help you schedule these messages at scale; hence it’s better not to take the time to double back again and again.
Wouldn’t it be great to make the tedious process of nurturing leads automated for you? This will help you save more time to focus on projects which matter.

Well, even drip campaign do all of these tasks and make it more hassle-free for marketing and sales teams every day.

Why should you use a Drip Campaign?

1. Saves time – You can work smarter by automating follow-up emails and other customers touch -points.
2. Maintain Long Sales Cycles – A drip campaign helps you successfully maintain your clientele’s attention during the sales cycle.
3. Helps build trust- Customers are more inclined towards a familiar message; hence it enables you to build trust.
4. Increase Sales – The increased number of emails helps to enhance engagement with interested buyers which leads to more closed deals.

Equally exciting is email’s potential to provide lasting value to your business with just a few starter campaigns. There are seven automated email campaigns that nearly every industry can benefit from implementing.

I ‘m going to write about some different kinds of drip campaigns you should consider, what you need to know before you start nurturing and how to make the most of each email.

Drip Campaigns are the most successful way of nurturing the customers, but when it is used smartly.
The stats show that personalised emails lead to nearly 50% higher open rates and roughly 22% higher reply rates. This ultimately leads to more opportunities to drum up new business.

Have a look at different types of drip campaigns:

1. Prospecting Emails

Cold emails or introductory emails are the first steps initiated by any activity to start building business relationships.

The basic idea behind it is to address their pain points which can help them prompt the company to fetch the help from you.
Have a look at the first email, which is mostly used to gain the attention of the clientele-

2. Top Of Mind Emails

Just imagine you went to an unknown place and you suddenly got a road sign map. Yes, you got it right; I was trying to draw your attention towards the top of mind emails which can move the sales process forward.
While your prospects will take time to make the final decision, you can send them some relevant industry news, blog posts that your prospect will find helpful or interesting.

Skin Perfect has correctly created its Top Of Mind email by including a newsletter with a 3-minute video of a business owner speaking at an event with information about another opportunity

3. Pre-event

Industry conferences pave the way for you to spend time with decision makers. These pre-event drip campaign examples like the one shown below can help you schedule these meetings and automate the follow-up emails to people who may not have received any emails from your side.

As shown in the above image, the Unbounce has sent a pre-event email asking as a reminder to their future programs.

4. Cold Sales Lead

There may be many sales that have not interacted with your company in a while or may have come in through a list buy. The primary motive behind these cold sales lead is to craft a series of emails which are compelling enough to make your prospect to reply.

Liftagram has followed the tactic of sending people a cold sales lead to its customers  to gain the attention back.

5.  Upsell Emails

Upsell drip campaigns are generated to increase revenue from existing customers. For example you can offer them a more expensive version of what they are already buying from you.

These tactics are mainly used in B2C companies that use a bottoms-up sales approach. When a large number of employees start using a product, the sales reps can convince the entire team or business by eventually converting through a upsell email.


Have you received any reminder email regarding any subsequent follow-ups before their renewal date? Yes, it is also a kind of drip campaign. This makes sure that the customers are reminded about their renewal of a contract.
It is a straightforward method to ask the existing customers to renew their subscriptions.

Quote Me Happy made us sit up and pay attention when we received this email. It provides all the essential information and a clear and urgent deadline.

7. High-Touch Onboarding

If you are thinking ways to turn your unengaged trial users into active prospects, then an onboarding drip strategy is the right platform which can strengthen up your relationship.

Knowtify has probably some of the best looking emails we’ve seen. This is their congratulatory email.

What is a personalised follow-up drip campaign?

I have covered the four steps in creating a successful drip campaign.

1. Use correct names

Don’t you feel bad when anyone addresses you by the wrong name? Yes, a name is the most essential addressing part of a good email campaign. It should

  • A customer must listen carefully what a prospect says
  • Make sure you keep an eye on buying signals
  • Ensure that you make up a conversation towards the prospect’s goals
  • Respond with relevant advice and counsel

As the name plays the most critical part in email personalisation; hence make sure that you have typed in the title in capital letters to address.

2. Add the factor of  urgency by adding dates and times to emails

You can quickly drive up engagement with urgency, by adding date and time in many ways. Keep your subscribers excited for the next instalment of your mini-course.

If you can drive urgency with dates which are specific to each subscriber, you can constantly ask them to join.

Make sure that you use this tactic to build on the previous one by adding different deadlines for subscribers who are depending upon the opt-in dates.

Unfortunately, there are instances where human nature may prevent you from closing many sales as you could such as forgetfulness and indecision.

A customer can take these timeframes differently; he may postpone it to the next day or take out his credit cards and buy.

You can set a deadline for course subscribers by giving them a specific timeframe, like two days or a week.

You can even send them a series of emails to remind people about their offer expires.

As shown in the above image, the Blinkist uses the urgency factor to drive engagement from the potential customers.

3. Personalise your drip campaigns with subscriber tags

Subscriber tags offer a great way to personalize your email content. By tracking subscriber visits and link clicks, customized emails with appropriate tags can be composed for your website’s mailing list.

By writing the right tags instead of segmenting your list and creating unique workflows, you can save immense amount of time.

P.S. With EasySendy, you can launch various campaigns to engage with your subscribers and customer, through autoresponders and automated drip email campaigns. You can also manage and join your Facebook messenger subscribers.

At EasySendy, we offer a wide range of available email template tags so that your emails can be more personalised and user –friendly. The customers can easily add more details to the campaigns.

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4. Based upon the customer’s interests, change your positioning

There are many advanced ways to create personalisation with first names, time frames and other dynamic content insertion.

Personalised Subject Lines works out!

Since the subject line of your email is one of the first impressions, someone gets from your brand, especially when a customer sends an email from the first time.

A subject line is the first face of the email, hence the more relevant the subject line is, the more likely it will help in boosting the open rate.

As shown in the above image, the Digital Marketer has used a tricky subject line.

Will your customer open email right away?

  • Here’s where the personalisation in email subject lines comes into play. Have you ever noticed that personalising your subject lines works in your favour?
    Recognising your customer and giving them the required attention by adding the relevant first names.
  • Know your customers so that you can send emails which are relevant for the customers.
  • Knowing your customers’ birthdays or anniversaries adds value to email personalisation, so make sure to keep track of them.
  • Prioritize customer attention to convert them into loyal customers as they determine if their needs are being met and whether they’ll return

EasySendy allows you to add emoji’s of your choice to email subject lines. At EasySendy Pro, there is an excellent variety of Emojis, which can be used to make your subject line attractive. These emojis in subject line drastically improve open email rate for email campaigns.

Modify email content based on the subscriber’s history, requirements, and needs; know them well to personalize effectively.

The above discussed five tactics to create a personalised follow-up drip campaign should give you a good start. Start exploring EasySendy more , so that you can ensure a great drip campaign according to your wish.

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Frequently Asked Questions

⭐ What is a drip campaign?

A drip campaign is a set of automated emails sent out to a specific audience in order to nurture leads and convert them into customers.

⭐What is the purpose of personalizing a drip campaign?

Personalizing a drip campaign allows you to customize the content of the emails to better resonate with the specific target audience and increase the chances of a successful conversion.

⭐How can I personalize a drip campaign?

Personalizing a drip campaign can be done by segmenting the target audience according to their interests, preferences, and behavior, and customizing the content of the emails to better resonate with each segment.


  1. Eva

    After reading this Informative article, I got detailed knowledge about drip email campaigns and how to create personalized follow-up messages for successful outcomes.

  2. Eric Angela

    Personalized email subject lines and messages drive higher open and click-through rates. So, creating personalized follow-up drip campaigns would always make magic.

  3. Raymond Catherine

    Finally, I understood the ways for creating personalized follow-drip email campaigns. Thank you for writing a helpful article for marketers like us.

  4. Samuel Emma

    Thank you for writing this valuable article, and I got to know that personalized email subject lines bring higher inbox open rates.

  5. Patrick Rachel

    Easysendy pro is an email marketing platform which will arrange you to customize your own contents and indulge in writing catchy headlines for your email. It will make your life more simple and easy. So stay connected with easysendy pro for using its wonderful features and tools which will definitely improve your conversion rate.


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