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How Email Marketing and ChatBots can boost your business?

by | Mar 10, 2023 | Email Marketing | 0 comments

Email marketing has been one of the most potent ways to reach out to several audiences and customers. Now, marketers can personalize their marketing campaigns with the help of email marketing and chatbots. 

A chatbot is a computer program that can communicate with people and answer their questions. Conventional chatbots can provide predefined answers to specific inquiries, often using an if-then approach, but extended versions can provide more customized answers and solutions.

Let’s think you want to purchase something online. Traditionally, you had to look through several pages of the site to find a suitable product.

With the help of the chatbot, you can ask a question about the desired outcome, and the program will redirect you directly to the corresponding product pages. It’s like your own shopping assistant.

The chatbot market is growing at a breakneck pace. And there are good reasons for this: Chatbots can close simple requests; they can collect and qualify leads around the clock, offer suitable products and products, tell users about updates and collect feedback from them.

That is why many organizations are changing their development direction and are planning to introduce chatbots into their ecosystems shortly.

According to the latest study, over 55% of people use Chatbots as they expect instant responses. 

Businesses need to adapt to new technologies to keep up with competitors, develop customer service and reduce costs. Today’s bots are much more efficient than their predecessors: they can already remove routine tasks from employees and answer simple questions from users 24/7.

And this is just the beginning of their offensive.

For more than ten years, email has been the marketing channel that offers the highest return on investment. Research from McKinsey & Company indicates that email marketing can be 40 times more effective in reaching target customers such as social media.

At the same timeframe, we have seen the emergence of chatbots, which can be effective when interacting with your website. Forty-five per cent (45%) of consumers say they prefer to use chatbots to communicate with brands for a quick response, while a survey by a renowned source has found email to be one of the main communication channels with the clients.

Establishing good relationships with your customers is a critical step in ensuring business success. It is an excellent way to show them that you are there when they need it, be it the latest brand updates or something simpler like quick answers to questions about your products and services.

Over two-thirds of visitors consider the best part about Chatbots is 24-hour service. 

Paying attention to each customer becomes more complex over time as the business is constantly growing.

To keep everyone on the sidelines, you can turn to chatbots and email marketing by analyzing what works best for your business.

Methods to combine email marketing with a chatbot strategy

Let’s look at the different methods to integrate email marketing with a chatbot strategy to drive a higher engagement rate. 

1 . Gather email addresses

Basically, you need a qualified mailing list that consists of people who are willing to receive email communication from you.

You can grow your mailing list with the help of a chatbot for attracting attention and engaging website visitors. Users respond to chatbots due to their conversational nature rather than a lead form or pop-up.

However, you should not ask your visitors for their email addresses if they land up on your website. It is highly crucial to establish triggers based on different website visitors’ specific actions that indicate interest.

You can ask your new subscribers whether they are interested in receiving an email newsletter from your brand if they browse your blog. Well, you can provide valuable incentives to your visitors in the form of guides, demos, ebooks with the help of chatbots.   

2. Generate segmented email lists

Subscribers want to receive relevant emails that can help to cater to their individual needs. For that, you will need segmented lists, and when you segment your email list, you can deliver the right amount of emails to the right people.

According to the latest details, marketers have found a 760% increase in email revenue from segmented campaigns.

Well, you can segment your email list based on demographics, buyers’ personas, different stages in the sales funnel, website behaviour.  

3. Generate warm leads

You will always find chatbots online so that website visitors can strike up a conversation at any given point in time. You can offer personalized solutions to your leads and convert them into warm leads.

A warm lead is defined as someone who has taken a keen interest in your products or services by subscribing your leads to your email newsletter and engaging them with your website. Warm leads are precious when they have a higher chance of converting. 

4. Receive better customer service

It is frustrating for customers to receive a “no-reply” automated email.

As per the latest study, over 66% of consumers would expect real-time responses and interactions.

Chatbots can offer solutions and delight customers or prospects. Through chatbots, you can do multitasking and have one-on-one conversations with the customers. 

5. Get a communication channel

Subscribers don’t like to get bombarded with a lot of messages. Well, millennials are more likely to get engaged with chatbots.

At the same time, a preferred communication channel is a grave mistake because it ends up annoying the customers. 

6. Maximize conversion rates

Customers have shown an interest in products or services by visiting your website, and then getting engaged further with you will have a higher potential for conversion than casual customers.

Chatbots have that power to personalize the conversation by offering relevant information based on visitor queries and page content.   


Over 45% of consumers prefer to use chatbots for communicating with brands when it comes to quick response. 

You have to create effective email campaigns for taking advantage of marketing automation and integrate Chatbots into your marketing mix.

You can even develop synergies that build on top of each other for more effective marketing and take particular skill. 


1. How can Email Marketing and ChatBots work together?

Email Marketing and ChatBots can work together by using ChatBots to automate lead generation and customer support, and then using email to nurture leads, promote products or services, and drive sales. ChatBots can also be used to collect email addresses and grow your email list.

2. What are some best practices for Email Marketing and ChatBots?

Some best practices for Email Marketing and ChatBots include personalizing your messages, segmenting your audience, providing value to your subscribers, and testing your campaigns.

It is also important to ensure that your ChatBots are well-designed, easy to use, and provide a seamless user experience.

3. How can Email Marketing help boost your business?

Email marketing can help boost your business by reaching a targeted audience, building brand awareness, promoting products or services, and driving sales.

It is a cost-effective way to communicate with customers and can be automated to save time and resources.


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