Hey, Finding out some ideas for email marketing ecommerce newsletters.
Lets checkout how to add a sense of humor on an ecommerce newsletter to boost your open rates.
E-Commerce marketers know very well how much splendid content they have to deliver to their email subscribers. The engagement and bond depends on the quality of the content you are distributing through to the email subscribers meanwhile also attract them to visit your website and make a purchase.
So that’s how Email newsletter lifts you to build ecommerce marketing strategy but as well as it is in perfect combination to boost your brand value.
When it comes to shaping an email newsletter,you have to keep in mind how antithetic you are from others.
Let’s check out some unheard tips and tricks to build email newsletter for ecommerces marketing.
What is eCommerce Newsletter?
“According to Content Marketing Institute,2019: The latest statistics show that as many as 87 percent of marketers use email marketing to disseminate their content.”
Make sure while choosing an email newsletter,keep in mind that you are choosing the right design and you have to understand the difference between ecommerce newsletter designs and non-ecommerce newsletters designs.
‘An email newsletter is a precise communication tool used to inform audiences for latest updates, brand promotions, tips, about product and services of the company. Ecommerce newsletters are designed in such a way to inform & update the customers.’
An ecommerce newsletter is a new form of traditional style newsletter that has been running over decades, which helps to encourage email subscribers to increase brand value.
You will find tons of different newsletter designs online,but you’ll have to pick up the correct designs as per your marketing goals.
Marketers use various types of email marketing services to create astonishing designs to add customers’ attention to the email.
For instance:- Easysendy pro is an email marketing tool used by marketers,traders,entrepreneurs,B2B companies & more to promote their product and services to increase brand value. It offers you many features like
- Easysendy pro will customize your email content as per your preferences.
- Easysendy allows you to design your own email templates.
- Helps to build subscribers lists
- And many more amazing features and tools to grow your business.
- Easysendy pro will help you to create many powerful designs to attract audiences attention which will definitely rock your audience’s email dashboard.
Best Conquering eCommerce Newsletters Ideas
1)Product Roundups
Generally many marketers are against using the term ‘roundup’ in the newsletters but roundup about the product is definitely going to gain truckloads of traffic to your website.
Product roundups usually means sorting things. It simply means categorizing the product according to its theme.
While writing the content of the newsletter, keep in mind that you can roundup the products which you are offering to the customers. So the customers have a clear picture about that. It will help them to sort the products as per their preferences.
Tip no.1: Opt for the right topic.
2: Choose the correct customers to include it.
Tip no.3: Create powerful content.
Tip no.4: Create an astonished subject line which makes sense.

2) New Products
Newsletters are usually designed to inform & update the email subscribers but not for the selling purpose. Through email newsletter you can inform your subscribers about your new product launch.
Ecommerce newsletter purpose is not simply to focus on sales but also to update and inform the community about the new product.
And you need to add valuable content in the newsletter to keep your community engaged.
3) Curated Collections
Adding a curated collection in your newsletter specifically means adding those products designed only for you.
So you need to specify your audience’s needs and deliver the email as per the preferences. It will help your audiences to interact with your brand.
4) Blog Content Roundups
Blog content roundup for your blog is about planning strategies which work best for your niche. Simply try to categorize your blog content while designing the newsletter.
Use your best previous blog, it will envision a clear picture of your brand/ blog and help your subscribers to sort out the content.
1: Pick the hot subject line as per your niche.
Tip 2: Sort the blog content.
3: Roundups your previous blogs.
4: Use images, gif on the newsletter.
5) Link Roundups
While writing the ecommerce newsletter keep in mind, you don’t forget to add a link to your website. Try to categorize the link as per your content which is relevant to your niche.
Adding links is a very valuable part to multiply the traffic on your website.
Meanwhile you have to specifically roundup all the links you’re gonna add in the newsletter.
6) Tutorials
Sharing how to guide step by step is very important. Guiding people so that they can complete their certain task because many times customers are confused while landing on the page.
So, set the proper guidance which can hold the customer’s patience and increase traffic on your website.
For instance:- products like skinkraft set a guideline for every product. They guide step by step for using it.

7) Special Deals and Discounts
Ecommerce newsletter is the traditional tool used to inform the customers about the latest updates.
Ecommerce marketers delivered such kinds of newsletter to increase open rates. It is designed to update about the particular deals and discounts about the product to attract customers’ attention towards the brand.
Brands like Wow, m-caffeine, mamaearth, skinkrafts, myntra, nykaa used to send newsletters to notify their customers about discounts and deals.
8) Seasonal Promotions
Marketers deliver seasonal updates about their brand by creating catchy newsletter to freshen up your customers and move their interest towards the brands.
Seasonal promotional newsletter includes the particular details about the seasonal products to skyrocket your sales and revenue.
You can design specific seasonal newsletter as per the different seasons i.e winter sale,monsoon discounts, black friday, christmas collection more to drive attention.
Seasonal updates are very important to keep touch with our community. Because trends are flexible, people go with trends.
Make sure you choose the right designs relevant to your company niche.
9) Contests
Setting a contest alert is not as easy as you think.you have to attract your community to your side. Keep in mind that ,newsletter should be landed on the email wall not on the spam folder otherwise it will look fake and decrease the open rate.
so, be specific and true about your contest so people will love to be part of your content. Try to use catchy subject lines and content to stay engaged with your customers.
10) Personalized content and recommendations
According to Nieilsen, 92% of people trust recommendations from peers, and 70% trust recommendations from strangers.
Like I told you earlier, you should give unique content so that you stand out from the crowd. Producing unique content is what makes you different from others. It will definitely engage your audience’s attention.
You have to deliver your own personalized and original content in the newsletter which increases the traffic in your website and adds value to your brand.
Always be specific about your goal,and convey what you want, that is how you connect with your audiences faster.
11) Brand and company announcements
Audiences will like this thing more when you tell them about the brand and company announcements.if you have reached them through their email inboxes.
This is the reason why ecommerce markers use email marketing newsletters to inform their customers on latest company updates and announcements.
It is a simple tool to inform your customers and improve the traffic rate of the company.
12) Keep a Check on your Abandoned Cart Customers
While checking out the page,Many times it happens people forgot to buy sometime and left out the things on the cart and left the website.
Ecommerce newsletters are the most beneficial tools for the marketers. This is the easiest way to update the customers that they have left certains things on the cart.
It not only attracts the customers but probably they will buy that product. It will help to increase your sales and revenue.
13) Involve them in your Celebrations
Involving your customers in your celebrations is like treating them like a family. Marketers used these strategies to gain customers’ engagement towards the company by endorsing some discounts or offers to them.
It is a great strategy to turn daily visitors into potential subscribers.
14) Customer Feedback
If you are confused and running out with the newsletter, you can ask your subscribers. You can ask your subscribers for the feedback and know what they want. Ask them to fill out the surveys and try to engage with your audiences.
For examples:- companies like vedix, skinkraft want their subscribers to engage with the survey and know what they want.

15) GIF for Newsletters
GIF will make your newsletter more attractive and catchier.
“according to a report by Experian Marketing Services: A remarkable 72% of marketers who used GIFs recorded higher transaction-to-click rates”
Adding GIFs to the newsletter will attract your customers’ visuals, hold their interest as well as enhance your newsletter by giving a little bit of humour to it.
Make sure and keep it in mind that the GIF will not be more than 500 kb which can be easily delivered to your subscribers.
Wrapping up
Creating an engaging ecommerce newsletter is not rocket science. You can easily create by following some tips and tricks.
And you can run worthy newsletter campaigns well without any difficulties. Just go through the tips and use it by following these tricks for an active campaign.
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