To upload an email list, first create an email list and select the email list where you want to upload the subscribers, then, click on “Import List Tools” icon from the right side of the screen. After you have created an email list from “View all List” menu.
1. Go to Lists -> View All List -> Select a list -> Click on Tools option.

2. Clicking on the Tools box brings you to the options to Import, Export or Copy a list:

3. Clicking on the Import box brings up a window to choose a list you have in CSV file format.
NOTE: Excel documents may be saved in CSV format. The window includes a link for a CSV file example.
During upload of email list process, you need to stay on screen, till the process completes.
4. Clicking on the Export box brings up a window to choose the Subscriber list you wish to export.
Simply choose a list, click on export and save it to a location on your computer.

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