Follow these steps for Amazon SES Integration with EasySendy Pro account:
Register / sign-up with Amazon AWS account
Sign-up with Amazon SES account in a Region
Create IAM user and Assign Policy
Verify an email address in Amazon SES region
Add Amazon SES account in EasySendy Pro Delivery Server
Validate Delivery Server in EasySendy Pro account
Confirm bounce and complaint files are setup properly
Get Amazon SES Production Access
Add Tracking Domain to Your Dashboard
Register / sign-up with Amazon AWS account
Register Amazon account from here:
Sign-up with Amazon SES account in a Region
Signup for Amazon SES account from here
Create IAM user and Assign Policy
1. Login into Amazon web service console.
2. Choose IAM on Homepage.

3. Click on “Users”.

4. Click on “Create user”.

5. Enter username as “easysendypro1” and click on the “Next” button.

6. On the next screen choose “Attach policies directly” and then select checkbox for “PowerUserAccess” under Permissions policies section, then click on “Next”.

7. On the next screen click on “Create user”.

8. After creating user now go to Users and click on easysendypro1.

9. Choose Security credentials as shown in screenshot.

10. Scroll down and choose Create access key on Access keys field section.

11. Choose as Third-party service and click on Terms and conditions checkbox and click Next.

12. Describe the purpose of the access key under Description tag value field and choose Create access key.

13. Copy the generated Access key and Secret access key.

14. Login to Easysendy account, Select “Delivery Servers” and click on “Create New server”.

15. Select “Amazon Ses Web Api”.

16. Enter Name “Amazon SES” and paste the Amazon IAM Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.

Verify an email address in Amazon SES region
17. Go to “Service ->Amazon Simple Email Service -> Verified identities”.

18. Click on “Create identity” button.

19. Select “Email address”.

20. Enter “Email address” and click on “Create Identity”.

21. Go to Email and open the email.

22. Click on the link to Verify.

(Congratulations page)
23. Click on “Refresh”.

24. The status changed as “Verified”.

Add Amazon SES account in EasySendy Pro Delivery Server
25. In the EasySendy Pro Application Dashboard, Select the region in which you have verified your email in your Amazon SES account.

26. Enter the below listed details.

a. “From Email” – Enter the from email ID.
b. “From Name” – Enter from Name
c. “Probability” – Select the probability of usage
d. “Hourly quota” – Enter the hourly available quota ( You can ignore and keep it 0 )
e. “Force from” – Select the condition for “Force From (Default – Never)
f. “Reply-To-Email” – Enter the reply to email ID.
g. “Force Reply-To” – Select the condition for “Force Reply-To” (Default – Never).
Click on “Save Changes”.
Start with a Free EasySendy Account
Validate Delivery Server in EasySendy Pro account
27. Enter the “Email ID” and click on “Validate Server” button.

28. Go to Email and open the email.

29. Click on “Verification Link”.

30. The “Status” will change to “Active”.

Confirm bounce and complaint files are setup properly
31. Login to “Amazon Console”.
32. Click on “Services -> SNS”.

33. Click on “Topics”.

34. Click on “ARN” link”.

35. The endpoint will display as “…/…”.

36. To check the given webhooks/endpoint inside EasySendy Pro account, go to delivery server > edit the server > click on “Info” tab from the right corner of the screen.

37. In the new pop-up box, you will get the details about how to setup the webhooks and the EasySendy Pro links.

Add Tracking Domain to Your Dashboard
Note: You need to add and activate your own tracking domain to your EasySendy Dashboard account for good email delivery. Follow this link, to configure your own tracking domain to your EasySendy Dashboard.
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